Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life's Composition

When I think about composition in my artwork, I think about balance and rhythm created with color, shapes and lines and always encourage myself to look at the overall piece as opposed to one section by itself. The same applies to life if you think about it. It's hard to compartmentalize each section of our life. In fact, you have to look at various roles we play and look at the whole picture to see how well we are balanced. Few of us are fortunate enough to work exclusively on one thing at a time...but couldn't the act of changing hats constantly be the rhythm we create to obtain a balanced whole being--and each responsibility we take on is actually a shape, a line or a color blended together as a part of our composition. Those moments (or shapes) when you have to buy groceries, then you are rushing back to the studio because you have an entry deadline looming and you need to take images of your work or those social commitments that dictate what time we close our studios some days not to mention our needs when it comes to family and friends and oh yes--there are those times we must work in for exercise, sunshine and relaxation. It's become obvious to me that balance and rhythm with commitments, interests and basic needs are important to look at when thinking of our overall life. Is it just the art that is produced that's important? In the end, aren't we creating a legacy of memories as well as pieces of work to leave behind as an artist--and our biggest piece of artwork to produce may in fact be our self.

1 comment:

  1. I so love this one! Very wise viewpoint of something that can often be seen as problematic. It's like your art is becoming your life and your life is becoming your art! Wonderful! :)
